Evan Kent - Shards the Musical - October 21 and 24⁠

My show one-person musical "Shards" is filled with stories from real life. Because that's where the best stories come from!⁠

⁠Not the crazy, absurd moments---but those everyday moments that are filled with amazing sparks of love, goodness, wonder, amazement, mystery, and beauty.⁠

⁠We are livestreaming performances!!⁠

Click here for tickets. Shards the Musical

⁠"Shards" is:⁠ 75 minutes⁠ 19 characters⁠ 10 songs⁠ four generations⁠ three continents⁠

the search for home the search for homeland finding what you didn't even know you had lost⁠ a lot of laughs⁠ a few tears⁠ memories to last a lifetime⁠⁠.

Lancio del gruppo giovanile Italiano di Netzer!

Cari Amici,

Netzer sta lanciando il suo primo gruppo giovanile (13-21) in Italia ed invita i giovani membri delle congregazioni Reform ad un 'meet up' su Zoom per incontrare altri giovani Italiani. Troverete tutte le informazioni per registrarvi al incontro, che si terrà in italiano sabato 3 ottobre 2020 alle ore 18.30, qui sotto.

Aspettiamo la vostra partecipazione!
Scriverci per prenotare tuo posto: bethshalom.milano@gmail.com



Dear Friends,

As you all know, services at Beth Shalom have been temporarily cancelled (our apologies to all those who did not receive the announcement that was sent out last week). In order to allow us to celebrate Purim together, Rabbi Goor and Cantor Kent are offering us the option of meeting online via Zoom, a digital platform that will enable us to listen to the reading of the Megillah and to celebrate the event from the comfort of our homes. Our Purim dial-in will be held on Monday 9 March at 6.00pm.

Below, please find the dial-in link and the instructions that will allow us to celebrate Purim together.



1. Please log in a few minutes before- so we can all begin together

2. Please mute your voices- when there are a lot of people on zoom- if the voices aren't muted- it's chaotic

3. Wear a costume- a funny hat- something- we could all use a good laugh.

4. Have a glass of wine (or juice)- so we can all say "L'chaim."

5. This year Purim on Zoom....next year in Milano!!!

Shabbat Shalom,

Carey and the Board of Beth Shalom


All activities have been suspended until further notice.

Due to the recent oubreaks of the Corona virus and the pubblication on 23 febbraio 2020 by the Ministry of Health and the Lombardy Region, the board of Beth Shalom has canceled all services planned for March 6-7. We will advise you in regards to future functions during the month of March over the coming weeks.

Please keep in mind our Passover dinner planned for April 8. For further details please contact us.

It is important for us all to stay well during this difficult period and we remind you that Beth Shalom is a large family and we must all support each other.

Grazie e ci sentiamo quando avremo notizie più avanti.  

Il Consiglio di Beth Shalom