
Friday March 6. Cantor Evan Kent will be joining us this month to lead our services. The weekend will kick off at 5.45pm with the second participatory discussion for our younger members at our new Kabbalat Shabbat home at Lev Chadash, Piazza Napoli, 35. The venue is easily accessible via the green Metro Line, Sant’Agostino stop and then tram no. 4 to piazza Napoli, the tram stops right in front of the door.

The teenagers’ group discussion will be followed by our traditional Kabbalat Shabbat service and dinner. Please let us know by Tuesday, 3 March if you plan to participate and what you will contribute to the dinner.  If, for unseen circumstances, you cannot come at the last minute, please let us know so that we can arrange to have other food.  We are so happy that we can all sit at tables and enjoy celebrating Shabbat together. 

Shabbat, Saturday.  7 March, 10:30 a.m. at the Hotel This Saturday, our services will be led by Cantor Evan Kent and will include a reading of the Megillah with songs and traditional Purim sweet treats. We invite you to bring Hamantaschen or any other type of refreshment. Children and adults are welcome to dress up for the occasion. With Cantor Kent, renowned for his beautiful voice, this promises to be a truly joyful, music-filled Shabbat.

Sunday 8 March, 5pm. Purim Party at Lev Chadash.

Lev Chadash will be hosting a Purim party led by their Rabbi, Rabbi Sylvia Rothschild on Sunday afternoon. All members of Beth Shalom are welcome. Come wearing costumes,  bring Hamantaschen or any other type of refreshment and join in the fun.

February, An unusual month at Beth Shalom!

Feb. 7. New Initiative for our teenagers at 5:45 followed by  Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:00 pm. Before Kabbalat Shabbat,Rabbi Donald Goor will begin a series of participatory discussions with our  teenagers at 5.45 at our new Kabbalat Shabbat home at Lev Chadash. Piazza Napoli, 35. Rabbi Goor has sent a letter to the parents encouraging their kids to attend. Please  try  to make sure that we have their participation.

If you drop the kids off and have to fill up an hour we can all meet for a glass of wine at the bar closest to Lev Chadash. 

Kabbalat Shabbat will begin at 7:00 p.m. Our Rabbi, Donald Goor will conduct services and our Shabbat dinner will follow.  Please let us know by Tuesday, February 4 if you plan to participate and what you will contribute to the dinner.  If, for unseen circumstances, you cannot come at the last minute, please let us know so that we can arrange to have other food.  We are so happy that we can all sit at tables and enjoy celebrating Shabbat together. 

Shabbat, Saturday. February 8  ,10:30 a.m. at the Hotel We are honored to have Rabbi Bernhard Mehlman, Senior Scholar at Temple Israel in Boston with us for Shabbat.  He is coming up from Rome to participate in our service.  Rabbi Mehlman is a Professor  of Midrash and Homiletics at Hebrew Union College in New York.  Rabbi Mehlman was Beth Shalom's first  Resident Rabbi in 2007 and 2008. His wisdom, knowledge and warm and welcoming personality were vital at the beginning of Beth Shalom's early  development.

We hope you will  make every effort to be with us at this special Shabbat  to welcome Rabbi Mehlman back. Rabbi Goor will conduct our service with Rabbi Mehlman conducting a dvar torah. It promises to be a memorable Shabbat  and we look forward to seeing you!

News - il Blog del Rabbino

Cari Amici,

Vi invito a leggere il Blog del Rabbino di questa settimana. Da ora in poi il Blog sarà scritto da Rabbino Goor o il Cantore Kent i quali conduranno le funzioni di quest'anno.

Buona lettura e Shabbat Shalom

Dear Friends,

We invite you to read this week Blog. Our Blog will now be written by Rabbi Goor and Cantor Kent who will be with us during the year for our services.

Enjoy the blog. Shabbat Shalom.

Rosh Hashanah

Cari Amici,

Vi invito a leggere il Blog del Rabbino di questa settimana. Vorrei cogliere l'occasione per augurarvi tutti Shana Tova e ricordarvi che la nostra funzione di Rosh HaShana avrà luogo lunedì 30 settembre alle 10.30 presso l'hotel.

Che tutti i vostri nomi siano iscritti nel libro della vita.

Shabbat Shalom,